AngularJS directive for, a service that unobtrusively informs your visitors to switch to a newer browser when browsing with an outdated one.
Simplest usage possible! Just add the directive in your html page (preferably, just below the <body>
This displays a notification bar that looks like this:
Note: With the minimal code, you will only see the notification bar if you are actually browsing with an outdated browser.
A little more complete usage, with some options given via hardcoded values.
<browser-update versions="{i:8,f:8,o:9.63,s:2,c:8}" reminder="1" always-show-bar="true" new-window="false" notification-text="This is my custom message"> </browser-update>
The following options are available:
Another usage, with some options given via scope values.
<div ng-controller="MyCtrl"> <browser-update versions="versions" reminder="reminder" new-window="newWindow" always-show-bar="alwaysShowBar" on-notification-bar-shown="onNotificationBarShown(null)" on-notification-bar-clicked="onNotificationBarClicked(null)"> </browser-update> </div>
<script > angular.module('demoApp', []) .controller('MyCtrl', ['$scope', '$window', function ($scope, $window) { $scope.versions = {i:8,f:8,o:9.63,s:2,c:8}; $scope.language = 'it'; $scope.reminder = 1; $scope.newWindow= true; $scope.alwaysShowBar= true; //callback functions $scope.onNotificationBarShown= function(data){}; $scope.onNotificationBarClicked= function(data){ $window.alert('Notification bar clicked!');}; }]); </script>
If you're not happy with the default style, let you customize the appearance of the notification bar via those css-rules.
<browser-update always-show-bar="true"></browser-update>
body .buorg {font-size:20px} body .buorg { position:absolute; width:100%; top:0px; left:0px; border-bottom:1px solid #A29330; background:#FDF2AB no-repeat 1em 0.55em url(;\ text-align:left; cursor:pointer; font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; color:#000; font-size: 12px; } body .buorg div { padding:5px 36px 5px 40px; } body .buorg a { color:#E25600; } #buorgclose { position: absolute; right: .5em; top:.2em; height: 20px; width: 12px; font-weight: bold; font-size:14px; padding:0; }